The things that go through your head when you wake up, NOT ON PURPOSE, at 4:20 a.m.
I've always considered myself as a kind of realist, or what I like to call, "a skeptical optimist". I like to believe the best about everybody, with just a hint of doubt. Why?
Well, we all know that eternal optimist, that person that would find the beauty in the color of the lava as it flowed out of the volcano and over their house. Be honest. You want to strangle them on site. No one should be that happy all the time. They are missing the joy of a good *&^%@ session and probably ruining yours. Who wants to be that person?
Then we all know that person who, if you gave them a $100 bill, they would gripe because they wanted five $20s. They have yet to find a silver lining in anything they've ever done. It's usually like a cardboard lining for them. Any amount of time with them and you want to tell them to just end it right there, jump off a cliff or something, and if they aren't willing, you wish they'd push you off instead. Who wants to be that person?
So where do I fall in this? I would say I am the sarcastic version of both combined. I do view the glass as half full and honestly, never look at it as half empty. However, my view is that that glass used to be ALL full. What happened to the other half? Where did the rest of it go? Why can't we have an all full glass? Why do we always half to refer to a half full glass as if that is the best it's ever gonna get?
Now the reality is that I probably tripped and spilled the other half of whatever wa
s in my glass. Sidebar: What is in the glass is something we never really address. What is in our glass? Coffee? Diet Dr. Pepper? Sweet tea from Chicken Express? Some favorite adult beverage? Or is it sour milk? Hot water? Some nasty medicine your mom used to make you take? I think your choice of half empty or half full beverage says a lot about your whole state of mind as well.
But, in conclusion, my thought on the "half full" glass, because, of course, mine is always half full, is this: Somebody has been drinking out of my glass and I want a free refill.
I've always considered myself as a kind of realist, or what I like to call, "a skeptical optimist". I like to believe the best about everybody, with just a hint of doubt. Why?
Well, we all know that eternal optimist, that person that would find the beauty in the color of the lava as it flowed out of the volcano and over their house. Be honest. You want to strangle them on site. No one should be that happy all the time. They are missing the joy of a good *&^%@ session and probably ruining yours. Who wants to be that person?
Then we all know that person who, if you gave them a $100 bill, they would gripe because they wanted five $20s. They have yet to find a silver lining in anything they've ever done. It's usually like a cardboard lining for them. Any amount of time with them and you want to tell them to just end it right there, jump off a cliff or something, and if they aren't willing, you wish they'd push you off instead. Who wants to be that person?
So where do I fall in this? I would say I am the sarcastic version of both combined. I do view the glass as half full and honestly, never look at it as half empty. However, my view is that that glass used to be ALL full. What happened to the other half? Where did the rest of it go? Why can't we have an all full glass? Why do we always half to refer to a half full glass as if that is the best it's ever gonna get?
Now the reality is that I probably tripped and spilled the other half of whatever wa

But, in conclusion, my thought on the "half full" glass, because, of course, mine is always half full, is this: Somebody has been drinking out of my glass and I want a free refill.
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