Well, the day is over. It has been an emotional rollercoaster with mostly downs that overshadowed any of the ups. It's kind of like vomitting; you know when it's coming it's gonna be bad, but when it happens it's always worse than you imagined.
First off, we got a text from our manager at 10:02 a.m. that the calls were delayed and that he would text us when he was beginning the calls. The next text we got was at 10:21 a.m. saying he was starting the calls. In retrospect to what I know now, the delay was probably caused by the utter shock our manager felt when he saw what was about to take place. I can't imagine that responsibility and the sickness he felt.
My call came around 10:30 a.m. Plain and simple, you are retained, pretty much the same products, pretty much the same territory. That was it. He had to continue to make the rest of his calls. I could hear in his voice, though, without him telling me, it wasn't what he expected. At 10:48 a.m. we got a text that he was through making calls. When all was said and done, 9 out of 14 reps in our district had been severed from the company. 9 out of 14. Almost 65%. This from a team with over 115 years of Pharmaceutical sales experience, an average of >8.5 years experience, and 29 VPC or equivalent awards. A team recognized as one of the highest performing in the region if not the country. A team recognized by others as "the team to beat". These are not just outstanding sales people, these are outstanding people, PERIOD. Hard working, high character people. And this is just from my district. This doesn't include the other two districts in this area who lost people as well. People like my call cycle partner from another division, who happens to be my sister-in-law, who tonight does not have a job after 13 years of success with this company. I've watched her develop that "unbreakable" relationship with multiple customers that allows her access and success that others just dream of and tonight, no more.
I said earlier that I think this is the right move for the company and I still do. But that doesn't mean I like the methods or the results. Did the company keep good people? Sure. Did they let some good people go? Definitely. They let some GREAT people go. Excluding our specialty reps, we started the day with 27 reps in our area. Tonight there are 10. That is a little less than a 60% cut overall. That is a bloodbath.
So what now? Pray. Pray for peace for these people. Pray for jobs for these people. Pray for restoration for these people, because, regardless of the situation and severance and insurance and all that, this still hurts each one of them deep down. Pray for peace for the manangers who had to make the calls to each of us and have to live with the knowledge that somehow, something didn't work right if
their people, whom they all love, are no longer with the company. It is a brutal reality.
I post this tonight as a tribute to each of these people who now turn the next page in their lives. I pray for each of them to find solace in the only One who can truly provide comfort and that, through all of this, this becomes a faith strengthener and not a faith tester.