Friday, September 5, 2008

New Start this Sunday

Well, it's here. Todd has left us for Bethel in Tyler. What does that mean? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

No really, that's what it means.

Starting this Sunday, April Holder and myself will be back on an "interim" basis (please God, for everybody's benefit, let it be a short interim and not a year long interim) leading worship at FUMC-Lufkin. You can see our set list over there------>.

Fortunately for me, God has given our church an unbelievable group of musicians who love to serve God with their talents and Todd trained/taught/mentored them well. April is gifted and for some reason (thanks God) our voices work real well together.

So what I ask is this: please be praying for our church during this transition period that we will honor God as we lead our congregation in worship each Sunday. And that our church is deliberate and prayerful (and quick) as we begin our search for our new worship leader.

I guess I'll be blogging at least once a week now with at least a text confessional. I'm not real good at all the video editing stuff so that may be limited.

I'll be back on Sunday p.m.


adrienne. said...

You're going to do great!

Todd Wright said...

I miss you already Chris.

Even though I called you 3 times yesterday, I still miss you.

chrismaroon said...

The really crummy thing about it is that if I got a wild hair and decided to just drive up and drop in some afternoon, I'd run into my dang boss or his wife. Yeah, Dave/Elizabeth, I know you will probably read this, I'm gonna have to swear the Bethel staff to secrecy and if you do see me there, close your eyes.

chrismaroon said...

Oh, and I miss you too, Todd.