Thursday, September 18, 2008


I was awakened this morning, I don't know, around maybe 3 a.m., by my dogs barking outside. What hit me next was the complete overwhelming aroma of.....a skunk. Now understand, I DO sleep inside a house, with four walls and a roof so you'd expect maybe some sort of insulation from the odor. Not so. You'd of thought that skunk was right next to my bed.

Fast forward, actually slow forward, because I could never really get back to sleep real well, to about 5:30 and I finally just got up. I showered, shaved, dressed, checked email, internet news...etc., still with the really sharp smell of that skunk. I walked outside to try to get a feel for how bad the skunk smell was out there versus inside. IT WAS NOT NEAR AS BAD OUTSIDE.

I think the skunk odor has been trapped in my house. I guess I'll know today if I walk into an office and everyone looks at me funny or runs screaming from the building.

I may be out hunting skunk tonite.

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